I went to MAC yesterday to pick up the 138 Tapered Brush and The Silver Dusk Powder, and some more Myth Lipstick and I picked up this brush kit. I have to say I really like it. These only come out at Christmas time and people wait all year for these collections to come out. I really have to say it's definately worth your money. Brushes can be really expensive and if you are just starting out or need brushes for travel I think these are great. I would have to say I prefer having the longer handles but these come in really handy. I think the over all actual bristle parts of the brush might be a bit smaller as well. Except for the pencil brush the bristles are exactly the same. But I'm not sure about the others because I don't already have any of them. I also picked up the 138 (photo below) LOVE this brush. It was super expensive I believe $52.00 but with my 40% discount it was $31.00 but it will last forever if you take care of them correctly. Brushes are an investment that is so worth it.

Also I picked up two irredescent powders. I went in the get Silver Dusk but I couldn't resist getting the Golden Bronze one as well. I've been reading more people use Silver Dusk in the Winter use Golden Bronze in the summer which I can agree with because I just don't look tan enough to wear the Golden Bronze. But they both are GORGEOUS!! Perfect for highlighting the cheek bones and chest area or wherever you need a highlight.
Oh and the MOST IMPORTANT purchase was the Fast Response Eye Cream.
I hear this stuff is AMAZING and does amazing things for puffiness because of the caffeine and has other uses as well. I will hope that it lives up to its good name.