Thursday, January 28, 2010


What is Drive? Drive is not something that is given to you or something that's passed down. It comes from things that are withheld from you. It's from not being satisfied with something that you want but you can't or don't have control over. When you are a kid you have no control over what kind of life is given to you. Until you are old enought to make decisions on your own, you have no control. In those situations when you are in school you have control over what kind of grades you get because you have the drive to do so, you have control over that when you have no control over anything else. You get drive when you are fed up with the way things are. You get fed up with the way you look and only you can create the drive to change that. You are so tired of feeling out of control and are tired of feeling this way and you are driven to work out everyday and you are driven to eat better. You don't like your situation at work and you are driven to work harder and show everyone around you that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make that promotion or earn another dollar an hour. You grow up not having what you want because you have no control over how little money your family has so your are driven to when you finally have control you are driven to never be without what you want or need. You are driven to be the best at a sport, you want to prove to everyone that you are better and you are driven to work hard everyday to prove yourself. You can not be given drive it has to from within and you have to want something so badly to be driven. It cannot be given to you or passed down.

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