Thursday, May 5, 2011

Beach BABE Workout with Tone It Up :)

This is a RAVE about TONE IT UP FITNESS!! Karena and Katrina are my two favorite Workout GURUS!!  They do a ton of fitness videos on YouTube and they are such great workouts. They give tons of tips about healthy and clean eating and they are just fun to watch. They do alot of Circuit exercises which makes the time just fly by and are so effective. I also bought the Jane Fonda Tone It Up Workout which I've been doing since January. But right now I have been doing 30 minutes of the Elliptical and then doing one of the Summer Workouts on YOUTUBE which are about 12 minutes long and it's giving me the BEST workout. I feel so toned and in the best shape of my life. I'm actually looking forward to being in a bikini this summer. Now all I need is a really good tan. Here's a link to one of my favorite workouts.


Katrina Tone It Up said...

Thanks so much!!! You're rockin!! We're just checking this out :)

Teresa said...

Just seen you left me a comment!! YAY!! Love you ladies!